Holly's Blogs

Get More Done – Interrupt Your Interruptions

Constant interruptions reduce focus and effectiveness. Learn how the human brain handles interruptions (poorly) and how to work more effectively by stemming their flow.

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Creative Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market

image source  47% of small-business owners manage their marketing efforts themselves.  In today’s competitive landscape, small businesses need to think creatively to capture the attention of potential customers. Traditional marketing methods are often too expensive or ineffective, so it’s essential to find innovative ways to stand out.  Considering all that, here are some creative marketing…

Growing a Business in the UAE: A Guide

image source The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has massively transformed into a thriving hub for business and commerce. With its strategic location, world-class infrastructure, and favorable business environment, the UAE offers immense opportunities for entrepreneurs and established businesses alike. This article delves into the various aspects of growing a business in the UAE, highlighting the…

Smart Classrooms, Smarter Students: AI Avatars Changing Education Dynamics

Image source Hey pals! Let’s have a conversation about how our classrooms are getting super smart with DEEPBRAIN AI avatars. These avatars are like super-smart computer buddies who are making our learning time way better! DEEP BRAIN AI avatars are like magical friends in our class. They help our teachers teach in a super cool…

Key Competencies That Any Business Leader Should Know Inside And Out

Effective leadership is the cornerstone of any thriving business. A leader’s role is multifaceted, requiring a diverse set of skills to navigate the challenges of today’s dynamic business environment. This article delves into five critical competencies that are indispensable for any business leader, shedding light on their importance and offering insights into how they can…

The Competitive Edge: Employee Rights and Talent Attraction

The battlefield for top-tier talent is no place for the faint-hearted. It demands enticing perks and brand prestige and a deep, demonstrable commitment to employee rights. Companies at the forefront know this secret: the brightest candidates seek a workplace where rights aren’t merely respected—they are celebrated. This realisation isn’t a light bulb moment; it’s a strategy…

Most Asked Questions By Small Business Owners

Launching and scaling a small business comes with no shortage of questions and uncertainties. Here we tackle some of the most frequent queries entrepreneurs have relating to legalities, marketing, technology, hiring, accounting and more. How Do I Choose The Right Business Structure? Factors like tax treatment, liability, investment needs and record-keeping determine ideal structures. Most…

Make Every Day Employee Appreciation Day

  In case you didn’t get the memo, March 3rd is National Employee Appreciation Day. Created in 1995 by a board member of Recognition Professionals International, a professional association dedicated to supporting employee recognition, Employee Recognition Day provides an extra opportunity to thank employees for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. Growing numbers…

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The Pitfalls of Biased Data

  It’s been months since the presidential election and I still haven’t recovered. Regardless of which party you align with or which candidate you supported, it’s hard to argue that this was one of the most uncivil, polarizing elections in our country’s history. The rhetoric and biases we saw on both sides of the political…

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Get Clear on Winning for 2017

  Did you blink and another year went by?  Me too.  Which means it’s time once again to climb up on my soapbox and talk about how to get clear on winning this year. But first, a few questions. How did 2016 go for you?  Did you and your organization achieve all that was possible;…

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Strategic Agility –The Next Big Thing is Here

In today’s hyper-paced world, few things are more important to business success than the ability to respond quickly to sudden changes in market conditions or customer needs. Whether the disruption comes from the introduction of a new technology, a new competitor that nobody saw coming, or drastic changes in economic policy and trade agreements, the…

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Three Common Innovation Mistakes

    Company leaders love to talk about innovation.  When was the last time your company came out with something really new? How long has it been since you totally reinvented a critical business process that resulted in significant cost savings or productivity increases?  If you can’t remember (or you can remember but it’s been…

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Using Your Brain to Sell

    The human brain is a marvelous instrument. But, it has many built-in tendencies that can get in the way of making smart decisions and helping our organizations win. That’s why in today’s global markets, where everyone has access to the same information and technologies.  Using your brain more effectively is a critical leadership skill….

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New Job. New Opportunity: Tips for Getting on the Same Page as Your New Boss

Holly welcomes guest blogger James Mitchell- Photo by viganhajdari Being “the new guy” at a new job or internship can be quite overwhelming at first. Every five minutes you are meeting someone new or being taught another couple company acronyms that make you wonder, “Are they still speaking English to me?” After you walk around the…

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How To Build Real Accountability

  Accountability –an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions Accountability is a word that gets tossed around a lot in the business world these days.  Unfortunately, most of what I hear revolves around the lack of accountability rather than how companies are winning by holding each other accountable. At…

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Prompt Employees to Think Strategically

In today’s hyper-paced markets, leaders must prompt employees to think strategically.  Gone are the days of employees plodding along waiting for the next big thing to roll down from corporate.  Companies need to innovate on a consistent basis in order to win. However, ongoing innovation is no easy task. First of all, innovation doesn’t mean…

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Customer Engagement Is More Important than Ever

  Every CEO or business owner knows the importance of attracting new customers. That’s why most companies spend a significant part of their budgets on marketing and advertising to develop customer engagement among repeat and new customers. But a recent Gallup survey suggests that developing customer engagement – which the company describes as “a customer’s…

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Six Rules for Mid-Year Performance Review

June has arrived, and you know what that means – for most of you it’s time for mid-year employee performance reviews. I can hear the pushback already. Who has time for mid-year reviews?! My employees know what to do; they should just focus on doing it! The better question is, who doesn’t have time for…

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Oh, The Things you Can Thunk

Dr. Seuss has always been one of my favorite authors, especially his book Oh, The Thinks You Can Think. As a child I loved his clever rhymes, wild imagination, and endless array of made-up creatures. As an adult, I love his playfulness with the English language and how he really gets what a marvelous instrument…

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Is Your Strategic Plate Too Full?

What is strategy? A simple question, but the answer may be more complex than you think. The dictionary defines strategy as “a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result.” Hard to argue with that. But while the basic definition may not have changed, how we go about…

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Ready for 3D Printed Rocketry?

If think you’re doing a pretty good job adjusting to today’s light-speed rate of change, take a deep breath, because in the words of Bachman Turner Overdrive, b-b-b-baby you ain’t seen nothing yet! Ever heard of a company called Planetary Resources? Its long-term vision involves landing robots on asteroids and planets to mine them for…

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Set Up Your Team To Be Successful

The first month of 2016 has already come and gone. By now you’ve (hopefully) set your primary strategic goals for the year, pinpointed the destination, and painted a clear picture of what winning looks like for your organization. The next step involves one of the most important leadership roles and skills – setting up everyone…

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Five More Ways to Sustain Your Innovation Efforts

  Innovation often requires us to think and act differently from the way the human brain likes to operate.  For example, some of the most important innovation leadership skills require conscious effort to override the brain’s innate tendency to see what it wants to see. These include: Challenging your assumptions Changing your perspective Asking the…

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Put the Resolve Back into Your New Year’s Resolutions

Thinking about making New Year’s resolutions but worried about not being able to follow through? If so, you’re not alone. According to a recent survey, 16% of people decided not to set any New Year’s resolutions in 2015, and that number is expected to increase for 2016. Of those who do plunge ahead with well-intentioned resolutions,…

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Teach Employees the Business of Your Business

This won’t come as a surprise to anyone who hasn’t been asleep at the wheel lately, but we don’t work in the same business world as 20, 10, or even five years ago. Things move so fast these days that much of what we learned about how to lead an organization no longer applies. It…

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