Oh, the Things You Can Thunk!
A Dr. Seuss Inspired Remedy for the Ways Your Brain Can Hold You Back
Play With Your Brain to Achieve Greater Success
Ponder All the Things You Can Thunk!
Are you worn out by the distractions, interruptions, and mundane tasks that consume your day to day? Is your team innovative, but the ideas are infrequent and not linked to the organization's goals.
What if you could unleash the imagination and the energy in your organization to drive alignment and focus on the right things? Explore the wondrous workings of our brains and how we can use them to unlock expansive thinking, improve communication, and be even more successful.
Unlock the Secrets of Creativity
Our ability to imagine is one of the most remarkable aspects of the human brain. And even though we can think about anything imaginable, our brains need prompts to help us use this skill well. In this unique Dr. Seuss inspired keynote or training session, Holly uses the latest in brain science techniques to explore:
As the good doctor said, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” After this fun and practical presentation, you’ll steer a lot better and get where you want by learning how to ponder all the things you can thunk!

About Holly
Leveraging Brain Science
An experienced business leader and behavioral scientist, Holly Green has a rare combination of extensive academic training and in-the-trenches experience working in and leading organizations. As a keynote speaker, trainer, and consultant, Holly is hired by organizations that want to compete more effectively in today’s uncertain markets.
Resources for Meeting Professionals
Just a few of the many organizations that trust Holly to help transform their culture, to ignite innovation, and increase performance