Holly's Blogs

Get More Done – Interrupt Your Interruptions

Constant interruptions reduce focus and effectiveness. Learn how the human brain handles interruptions (poorly) and how to work more effectively by stemming their flow.

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Back and Neck Pain Tips For Office Workers

Many office workers go home every night after a long day at a desk with back and neck pain. Back pain can be very difficult to live with, especially if you’re struggling to get relief from the discomfort. If you spend most of your day sitting at a desk, this can be part of the…

Should You Streamline Your Supply Chain?

It doesn’t matter whether you operate a small business and only have a couple of employees. Nor does it make any difference if you run a large multinational or international corporation. In any event, your business will need to purchase materials to turn into complete products. Or, you might use the items you buy to…

Improve Your Business With Brain Science

Learning How To Learn  In school, we are generally taught to memorize material and remember it for an exam. You might remember spending hours doing this at university, but we now know that it’s an extremely inefficient way to learn: our brains are simply not made for this kind of rote memorization. It is much…

Finding The Ideal Venue For Your Work Christmas Party

The end of year Christmas party is something all employees look forward to. It is a chance to blow off some steam and enjoy a night full of fun, drinking, and dancing with the people you see on a daily basis in your professional environment.  There are a whole host of different aspects and factors…

Could This Be The Right Time To Expand?

As some businesses are beginning to show signs of collapse, you should be wary of the opportunities that are cropping up, where once there was nothing but sound stability. As more and more businesses downscale, various opportunities will begin to show in the form of expansion. You could offer your employees parking spaces, so they…

Can You Market Without Your Customers Knowing You’re Doing It?

It’s a simple fact of marketing that most customers are not a huge fan of it. Most people do not like ads being blatantly pushed in their face when they visit a website, or to feel like they’re being sold something in general. There is a barrier between your message and the audience as soon…

Those darn employees

It is a common refrain across every industry and every size organization today. In addition to, “I am having trouble finding the right people or any people in some cases! And once we get them, keeping them is harder than ever.” There are a lot of innovative ways to address the shrinking labor pool and…

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Get More Done – Interrupt Your Interruptions

Constant interruptions reduce focus and effectiveness. Learn how the human brain handles interruptions (poorly) and how to work more effectively by stemming their flow.

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Thriving in Ongoing Change

And we can create whole new pathways, new structures and frameworks constantly. This neuroplasticity requires the crucial ingredients of time and intention.   Typically in unexpected change, we go through various phases including: Shock |  a sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience | “What is this?” Denial | looking for evidence it is not…

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4 Strategies for Hiring Bilingual Employees

Source The world is changing at an ever-increasing pace, and so should your company. In order to remain competitive, you need to keep pace by hiring writers that will spek the language of your consumers. By investing in bilingual employees who are able to speak and understand the changing trends you are enabling your content…

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Seven Winning Habits to Practice in 2022

Want your organization to win in 2022? Start by practicing these winning habits.

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GBG: The Acronym that Works

Many acronyms are negative and self-inhibiting. They stop us from pondering possibilities or alternatives. Here’s one that will switch your thinking from negative to positive.

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Are you playing to win…to achieve excellence?

Your #1 job as a leader is to create a compelling vision of winning

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Are you curious? Is your organization?

Curiosity: a strong desire to know or learn something

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Teach Employees the Business of your Business

Your employees are making decisions right now. How do they now the best ones if they don’t know the business of your business?

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Transparent thinking

To make this a reality, leaders need to develop transparent thinking in themselves and their team members.

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Are you clear on success in 2021?

  Roger Bannister set out to become the first athlete to break the four-minute mile. “Experts” told him it was impossible.  Some even suggested he was risking death; doctors told him his heart would explode! Not only did Bannister not die, but the week after he broke the barrier another runner followed in his footsteps,…

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Are You Preparing to Win in 2021 or Just Continuing to Work Hard?

No doubt 2020 was a challenging year in so many ways. Whether you were busier than you ever dreamed because market conditions changed in your favor, or you were shut down, had supply chains completely disrupted, or found your customers were negatively impacted, 2020 tested us at work. And that doesn’t even begin to cover…

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Top Workforce Issues

Effective business management requires balancing the big picture with the details.

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Lead the Possible, Not the Probable

Today’s uncertain and volatile business landscape calls for new ways of thinking and working. So why do most companies attempt to solve problems and manage massive change in the wrong manner? A lot of it has to do with the way the human brain works. Our brains love certainty and predictability. So when faced with…

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The Next Next

Individual and organizational brains in constant, unexpected change If you are like many, you were certain in April that by June we would see a settling in to the ‘new normal’.  And then in May, once again, many of us were sure that by the end of June, our norms would be reset, and we…

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Keeping Employees Connected

During times of uncertainty, human beings seek community and safety, and many find it in the workplace. Work typically provides a much-needed sense of stability and control over at least one aspect of our lives when everything else has gone topsy-turvy. Yet, millions of people have lost their jobs, either temporarily or permanently, due to…

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Executing with Excellence in Uncertainty

Why is it so hard to keep up with the pace of change these days? Some ascribe it to the overwhelming amount of information we try to process every day. Others point to the rapid pace of change. Both are partly to blame. But the primary reason is our brains were not constructed to work…

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How to Use Your Brain During Unexpected Change

The human brain is an amazing tool. But there’s one thing it doesn’t handle very well – change. Especially change of the magnitude brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nobody saw this virus coming, but it has turned our world upside down. Our challenge as leaders is how we respond to it – a task…

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