
Why Happy Employees are Winning Employees

  Many would say that in life, happiness is winning. Quick, name the single most important contributor to happiness in life. Chances are you said things like family, friends, achieving your goals, or having a good job and nice place to live. Or for the hedonists in the audience, perhaps you said fame, money, good…

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3 Steps to Creating an Engaged Workforce

    What would you rather have – an organization where people show up just to punch the clock every day? Or an organization where people are enthusiastic about and committed to their work and their workplace? Obviously, this is a no-brainer. Everyone wants an engaged workforce. But most organizations either don’t make it a…

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Make Every Day Employee Appreciation Day

  In case you didn’t get the memo, March 3rd is National Employee Appreciation Day. Created in 1995 by a board member of Recognition Professionals International, a professional association dedicated to supporting employee recognition, Employee Recognition Day provides an extra opportunity to thank employees for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. Growing numbers…

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Are You Engaging to Win?

It’s time for my annual update on employee engagement, and once again the news isn’t good. In fact, based on data from Gallup, the trusted public opinion and research firm, the current state of employee engagement in the U.S. could well be described as dismal. In a recent State of the American Workplace Report, Gallup…

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