
Customer Engagement Is More Important than Ever

  Every CEO or business owner knows the importance of attracting new customers. That’s why most companies spend a significant part of their budgets on marketing and advertising to develop customer engagement among repeat and new customers. But a recent Gallup survey suggests that developing customer engagement – which the company describes as “a customer’s…

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The Decline of Trust (and What We can Do About It)

I recently ran across a very disturbing, but not surprising, statistic. According to the 2013 Edelman Trust Barometer, an annual survey conducted by the global PR consulting firm Edelman, trust in our public institutions, industries, and leaders is taking a severe beating. This year’s survey, which polled more than 30,000 people in 26 markets around…

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Trust: The New Business Imperative

Social media and trust are two concepts not often used in the same sentence. But in a linked-in world where applications and sites including YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are rapidly changing the way people communicate with each other, social media and trust will play increasingly important roles in determining how your company is perceived by…

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