Mark Green

Preventing Accidents and Reducing Costs: A Guide to Video Telematics for Fleets

Video telematics is a combination of video technology and telematics data. It involves the use of cameras mounted in vehicles to capture video footage in real-time. This is then transmitted to a cloud-based platform for analysis. The telematics data that is gathered alongside the video footage provides additional context and insights into driver behavior, vehicle…

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How To Screen Tech Talent?

image source Introduction Companies rely heavily on hiring talented tech professionals to gain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly evolving technology-driven world. However, finding and hiring the right tech talent can be daunting. Traditional screening methods, such as reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and administering technical assessments, may not be enough to identify top talent, especially…

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Those darn employees

It is a common refrain across every industry and every size organization today. In addition to, “I am having trouble finding the right people or any people in some cases! And once we get them, keeping them is harder than ever.” There are a lot of innovative ways to address the shrinking labor pool and…

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6 Ways to Create a Stress-Free Parking Experience at Work

Source   What if we tell you that people in the U.S., on average, spend around  17 hours a year looking for parking spots?  The number is alarming; needless to say, your employees are indefinitely among these people.   Imagine a frustrated employee checking in for work at the office because it took them a long…

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Tips for building and maintaining an NFT Collection

Source1 Source2 Building and maintaining a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collection can be challenging, but there are several tips that can help, and this article has been created to give you the best tips to build, maintain, and market your NFT collection so you can make the most out of it. Tips For Building Your Collection…

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How to Find the Right Target Audience for Your Business

Marketing is one of the most valuable tools you can use to grow your business, and knowing your target audience will make your advertising efforts much more effective. What Is a Target Audience and Why is It Important? The very first step to understanding who your target audience is is to understand its definition. The…

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Great Quality Content Marketing for Plastic Surgeons

image source Plastic surgeons enjoy a mix of fame and infamy in popular media. On the one hand, their services are seen as a status symbol because cosmetic procedures are expensive. On the other, people seek these same services for different and often personal reasons. Regardless of the reasons, patients are always searching for the…

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Product Sourcing in 2021 – The Complete Guide for Amazon

image source The decision to start a business on Amazon is not a difficult one.  The difficult part is finding what products offer the best profit margin for you.  This starts with product sourcing, a professional company like Sourcing Nova and follows a very simple flow chart: Research > Amazon tools > Product sourcing >…

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Get More Done – Interrupt Your Interruptions

Constant interruptions reduce focus and effectiveness. Learn how the human brain handles interruptions (poorly) and how to work more effectively by stemming their flow.

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7 Crucial Skills Every Non-Technical Founder Needs to Manage a Startup Successfully

Building your startup might feel like you don’t have the technical skills to get it off the ground. However, as any experienced entrepreneur will tell you, these skills are secondary in importance to your ability to manage the business itself effectively – and that requires its own set of crucial skills to get right. This…

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How to Use an Employee Scheduling Software to Improve Your Business Efficiency

Source Once your business has employees you need to think about scheduling. It’s not as easy as Tom, Dick, and Harry Monday to Friday 9 to 5. You now need Mary, Jane, and Barbara too.  Tom is unavailable Wednesdays, Barbara can do mornings only, and you have your newly launched 24/7 customer support to schedule….

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Why Video Content Management is Essential to Your Marketing Strategy

Source  Many people now consider content marketing as a crucial tactic for gaining, retaining, and growing an audience. However, video in particular is making significant strides. 83% of 300 marketers who participated in a survey believe that currently, video content is more crucial than ever, and utilizing it in business models is a unique method…

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