
March Madness: It’s Winning Time!

I’m not a huge basketball fan. But like millions of Americans, I follow the annual event know as March Madness, where 68 college hoops teams come together over the course of three weeks to determine a true national champion. And when March Madness rolls around, it means two things. One, workplace productivity throughout the land…

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The Decline of Trust (and What We can Do About It)

I recently ran across a very disturbing, but not surprising, statistic. According to the 2013 Edelman Trust Barometer, an annual survey conducted by the global PR consulting firm Edelman, trust in our public institutions, industries, and leaders is taking a severe beating. This year’s survey, which polled more than 30,000 people in 26 markets around…

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Our Leaders Need to Start Acting Like Leaders!

The ability to inspire trust is an essential leadership trait. According to a recent survey conducted by the marketing research firm, Maritz Research, our current crop of leaders has a lot of work to do in this area. Conducted in March of this year, the survey reported that: 25 percent of U.S. employees have less…

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Do you get me?

A while back I wrote a blog about resilience being one of the most important qualities for today’s leaders. A number of readers agreed with me, and one went on to point out another very important leadership trait that often gets overlooked – empathy. Most people don’t associate the word “empathy” with effective leadership. Business…

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How to Build Trust Through Better Listening

I ran across a quote the other day that resonated with me: The organization of today will require leadership that can operate on the edge of chaos by relinquishing command and control and creating an environment of mutual trust and respect. Two things struck me about this quote. One, just how much today’s leadership model…

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Trust: The New Business Imperative

Social media and trust are two concepts not often used in the same sentence. But in a linked-in world where applications and sites including YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are rapidly changing the way people communicate with each other, social media and trust will play increasingly important roles in determining how your company is perceived by…

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Trust: The New Business Imperative

Social media and trust are two concepts not often used in the same sentence. But in a linked-in world where applications and sites including YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are rapidly changing the way people communicate with each other, social media and trust will play increasingly important roles in determining how your company is perceived by…

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Employee Engagement: Creating It and Keeping It

Our current recession is good for one thing. Many companies are focusing on “employee engagement,” an approach to more consciously value and act on connecting with passionate employees who truly care about the company. With businesses failing at a record rate, who doesn’t want to convince nervous workers to remain calm and hang on through…

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What creates it & how do you maintain it today? Trust is the state of readiness for unguarded interaction with someone or something. Trust is built and maintained by many small actions over time. Trust is telling the truth, even when it is difficult, and being honest, authentic, and reliable in your dealings with customers…

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