
Prepare to Be Disrupted

A few months back, I wrote about how the current cycle of tech disruption is significantly faster and broader than previous cycles. As a result, new products and technologies are causing us to re-imagine almost everything we do in business and in daily life. Well, prepare to be disrupted, starting with where you spend most…

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Strategic Agility: The Antidote to a Hostile Business Environment

Remember when government was a friend to small business – the leading source of new jobs in the U.S.? Me neither. And now it’s getting worse. The Job Creators Alliance — a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the public and policymakers on what it takes to create jobs – recently surveyed 600 small…

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Tweet Leads to an Electric Experience

Still think Twitter is a silly fad? A month ago, I posted a blog that included a negative comment about the new Chevy Volt and our cash-strapped government’s plan to support the vehicle through incentives and outright purchases. The very next day, the Volt product manager tweeted me to ask if I would give him…

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Re-Recruiting: Your Best Defense Against Restless Feet

Suppose one-third of your employees suddenly walked off the job. Think it might impact your ability to serve your customers and achieve your strategic goals? Granted, the odds of every third employee taking a hike all at once are slim. But according to a recent survey conducted by MetLife, 36 percent of employees hope to…

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How Many Futures Are You Considering?

Have you ever noticed how when people talk about what lies ahead we always say the future? As if there is one, and only one, immutable future that will come to pass. Fact is, there are an unlimited number of possible futures, and it’s up to us to create the one we want. This is…

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