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Tips for Recruiting New Employees


Hiring the right employees for your business is one of the most important things you need to do to grow your business. Hiring employees should be strategically and meticulously done.

You will need to advertise, shortlist your candidates and then conduct interviews. All this is very tedious, and if you are not successful in the first round you will have to start the process again.

Here is a look at some of the critical things you need to bear in mind when hiring employees. 


The Basics

The first thing you need to do is research how hiring is done in your niche, then get all the paperwork you will need in order so that you can legally hire someone. The next thing you need to do is have a basic outline of what is expected of those you employ. 

After that, you should sit down with your hiring team and outline the criteria for each of the roles you wish to employ for. 

When setting a criteria you need to take an in-depth look at what you need to make your business grow. It’s not just about filling a desk. It is it about identifying your needs and employing people who can fulfill those needs.

Taking this approach will help you to grow the company. It will also make you more mindful about who you employ. This helps you to make better choices.


Decide On a Recruitment Strategy

Recruitment is one of those areas where you will always have several different opinions on how to find good candidates. It might be useful to hire a recruitment firm to assist you if you don’t have an HR department. 

You should also think about whether you will be using current employees to help spread the word about the position that is available in your company.

During the recruitment process, you will need to be patient. When you interview a lot of people and you cannot find anyone who’s suitable for the position it may be tempting to just grab anyone from the batch.

 This is something you should resist. Always go back to the hiring pool to see if you can find more candidates.


Advertising is Key

When you have a vacant position in your company you can use online career websites to  advertise the job. However, do not ignore listing the job on your company’s website under an obvious heading. 

Many companies choose to put vacant positions under the, “careers” tab. As much as possible try to use sites that are regulated, stay away from classified sites if possible. 

Do not forget “old-school” forms of advertising as well. A spot in the newspaper is still valuable.  Since so many newspapers are online now, you could take out an ad with them that can be posted online.


Create a Job Description

The job description is probably one of the most important aspects of recruitment. This should be created based on the criteria you have made.

In addition to a job description make sure you create a checklist before hiring new employees. This checklist can be created from the points you listed in the job description.


Pre-Screen Your Applicants

Prescreening your applicants will save you a lot of time. Many candidates will look good on paper but when you actually talk to them or even discuss their salary expectations they are not suitable for the job. 

Make sure that diversity is one of the key aspects of your pre-screening process. Remember, that the companies that do well are usually some of the most diverse companies on the planet.  You will want to employ a wealth of applicants from different backgrounds who are highly skilled.

Conducting a telephone interview with candidates ahead of time will help you to better determine whether or not you should call them in for an in-person interview.

Ask the Right Questions During Your Interview

As mentioned before, even after you pre-screen an applicant, and think that they are a good fit, you will still need to bring them in for that all-important in-person interview with the hiring team.

Ahead of time, you should discuss with the hiring team exactly what type of questions you want to ask the applicant. Asking the right questions can give you detailed information that you may not be able to pick up from a resume or a cover letter.

Make sure that you rehearse the questions ahead of time if necessary and discuss the type of answers that you are looking for. In this way, you will be better able to assess which candidates have done poorly, average, or extremely well during an interview.


Do a Background Check

Doing a background check is another important factor that should not overlooked. You need to verify that the educational skills and the character of a chosen candidate is exactly what they have presented to you.

Failure to do this may cause you to employ someone who does not fit into the current culture of your work environment. You also need to verify that the jobs that the person held in the past were legitimate and that your candidates do not have a criminal history.

In some cases, you may even have to check the person’s credit history. However, this is highly dependent on the type of post they will  occupy in your organization.


Let the Hiring Begin

Now that you are aware of all the things you need to bear in mind when choosing candidates to fill vacancies in your organization, you are equipped to get the best possible employees that you can.

Always remember to carefully look into your recruits background. Never compromise if you do not get the ideal candidate on the first try. Always be willing to go to back and find a new pool of candidates. This will prevent you from hiring someone then later regretting it.

Employees are the key to business growth. The more dedicated and skilled they are, the easier it will be to scale your business.

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