
Why We Often Do Stupid Stuff

Not long ago, Car and Driver Magazine conducted a test to compare normal driver braking times against “impaired” braking conditions, such as drinking, texting, or checking email while driving. The test involved a driver going 70 miles per hour (on a straight course) who was instructed to hit the brakes as soon as he saw…

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Are There Hidden Gorillas in Your Markets?

We think we see a lot more of the world around us than we actually do. That’s just one of six illusions that profoundly influence our ability to lead organizations.

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Protect yourself from the dangers of conventional wisdom!

Recently I wrote about the dangers of relying on conventional wisdom to make critical business decisions. I thought it would be fun to look at some actual examples from over the years. This “telephone” has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to…

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Don’t Get Blinded By Your Own Data

Remember the good old days when products, markets, and industries had fairly predictable lifecycles? Back then, carefully managing a few key metrics was usually enough to ensure the continued health of the business. As long as sales and revenues held steady or continued to grow, we could remain reasonably confident regarding the future of the…

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