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Planning A Safe Return To Work

With the pandemic loosening its grip on the globe, many people are now able to get back to work in an attempt to rebuild the economy. Whether you run a business or are simply an employee, you must take steps to protect both your own health and the wellbeing of those around you. Luckily, there are several simple steps which you can follow to stay out of harm’s way whilst you earn your wage. So, if you want to find out more about how you can plan the safest possible return to work, then read on to uncover some of the best tips and tricks that you can make the most of today! 


Personal Hygiene

You as an individual have the responsibility to address your personal hygiene, and do all that you can to halt the spread of the virus on your own. This means investing in quality PPE (or personal protective equipment) such as disposable face masks or shields, as well as rubber gloves and hand sanitizer too. Each of these items is an essential feature of a low risk work space, as utilising these items can contain and massively reduce the likelihood of an illness taking hold. Wash your hands as often as you can using hot water and antibacterial soap, and always be mindful not to touch your face. If you can, eat your lunch outside away from your desk or workspace as this is a much safer option. 

Employers Responsibilities 

The CEO or manager of your company has even more responsibility than their staff members, as they must take extra steps to ensure that their team will be as safe as possible during every shift. Social distancing guidelines recommend a minimum of 1 metre between people, so bare this in mind when reconfiguring workspaces to suit new laws. Total staff numbers may need to be reduced to accommodate a safe and secure working environment, as you will not be able to operate in the same way as you once did. It’s a good idea to invest in some form of physical boundaries that can stop staff members from coming into contact with each other. As a manager of a large team, you may also find it beneficial to perform a temperature test before allowing any employees to enter the building. A raised temperature is one of the easiest warning signs to spot, so you could be saving your business from a potentially deadly breakout. 

Planning a safe return to work can be a simple and hassle free activity when you can make the most of the top tips and tricks outlined above. Whether you are a team member or the CEO, you have a responsibility to protect both yourself and those around you! Start off by investing in PPE like face masks and disposable gloves, whilst utilising hand sanitizer and antibacterial washes. Always be mindful of social distancing measures, and reduce the total number of staff on the floor at any one time.

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