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Did you know that 90% of conference creators struggle to reach new attendees? But yet the other 10% who are putting on amazing conferences are welcoming hundreds of attendees each year and continue to see positive growth. So what is it that makes them stand out, and how can you do the same?
Choose A Unique Venue
Conference rooms, exhibition halls and meeting rooms are all well set up to hold conferences, but if you want yours to stand out, then it’s time to hold it somewhere else. Think outside venues as being outdoors increases creativity and helps people work better. It doesn’t matter about the weather either as you can always get a cover from shade n net to protect people from the sun or rain. If outside isn’t your thing, then what about a garden centre, a museum, an old factory? Somewhere that relates to what you’re trying to achieve, somewhere that has some history and a story and will inspire your conference attendees as well as give them something different than just another hotel conference space.
Come Up With Your Own Ideas
This may sound obvious, but it’s what is going to make your conference unique to you, and that’s what you want. It’s very tempting to leave a conference feeling inspired and want to recreate it for yourself, but this might not work for your audience or your brand, so it’s essential to think of your own original ideas which are true to your company. Think about what it is you want to achieve and want to you want your attendees to achieve.
Have Interesting Speakers
This goes without saying really, but it is such an important detail when holding an event, that it has to be said. You need a speaker to draw in the crowds, but if you want to be authentic, you could think outside the box when it comes to speakers. Don’t necessarily go for the obvious in your industry. Still, someone who has been successful in another industry can also be inspiring as lessons can be adapted or translate to other things. You might find someone with a fascinating story about overcoming an illness or running a marathon, this will be something different for conference-goers but something that can be applied to your conference to inspire, to focus on achievement and not giving up and to give messages of positivity.
Invite Good people
Get good people to come and others will want to be there too, to not only be in good company but to do some decent networking. Many people only go to conferences for networking and will probably see a lot of the same faces time and time again. Invite other people who may not be in your industry but could offer something to people who are and vice versa. Don’t just go for the obvious or your conference won’t stand out at all. It might be a risk, but it’s one worth taking if it’s a success and will make your conference the one everyone wants to be at.