We start our businesses for different reasons. Every company’s founder has their own story behind them and a tale to tell about why they started up the business that they now run for a living. For some, a break from the humdrum routine of the nine to five lifestyle was what started things off. People grow sick of commuting and working hours to make someone else’s fortune on their behalf and walk away from the relative security to start something of their own. Some people will have come up with an innovative idea and felt there was potential behind it, so tried their luck at starting out a business and presenting their product or service to the consumer market. Some people are driven to work for a cause – to create something to make life easier for other people or bring joy to others lives. Whatever the reason behind getting started in your own business, you’re going to find yourself faced with the same predicament every small business owner faces as they get started – finding a way to establish your business and brand in an already saturated marketplace. No matter what product or service you’re providing, and no matter what field you’re entering, there’s going to a whole lot of competition you’re going to have to overcome to make a name for yourself and to start making sales. This journey is going to be intense and complex, but there are ways to stand out and establish yourself a loyal customer base. Here are a few areas to focus on to get started in the right direction!
Identify What Makes Your Company, Product or Service Unique
First and foremost, you need to determine what makes your company or product unique. Unless you’ve come up with something completely new (which is rare nowadays) there are likely to be plenty of other companies out there offering something similar and you’re really going to have to let customers know why they should shop with you instead of the other options. You need a unique selling point and you need to hone in on it. Perhaps your product has a unique feature. Maybe it has a lower price point. Maybe your branding can make it more appealing. You could create a reputation or cult interest around your brand. Whatever it is, you need to make sure that you really identify exactly what it is that sets your company apart from the crowd. This will be a huge selling point that you can push.
Brand Your Company
Once you have your unique selling point in mind, it may come in useful while branding your company – you can base your brand around it. Branding really is an essential step towards establishing your company within its field. It’s what will help customers identify your products and what can drive home brand loyalty. There are countless steps that go into branding and it would be nigh on impossible to focus on the entire process here. But some things to take into consideration could include a branded logo, a branded colour palette, a branded font and an overall brand aesthetic. Focus on your target audience and cater to their tastes throughout.
Create a High Quality Website
Nowadays, your website is likely to be one of your most valuable tools when it comes to making sales. Without a website, a huge percentage of your target audience probably won’t know your brand even exists. Sure, you can get by with just a brick and mortar store. But if you want to maximise your sales and really get your name out there, a website is going to be essential. Not only is this where potential customers from around the world can browse your goods, get used to your aesthetic and get to know a bit more about your brand, but it’s also something that people can share with one another, spreading knowledge and awareness of your brand. So, don’t skimp out when it comes to creating your page. Use the services of a professional web designer and web developer, as well as professionals like product photographers, copywriters and others to really pull things together well!
Invest in SEO
A problem you may face with getting your website noticed is that, again, the market is already saturated, no matter what field you’re operating in. If someone types in keywords to the products you offer in a search engine, you may appear fifty, a hundred or even more pages back. Nobody is going to find you here. Everyone knows the main competitors and biggest names in any area are going to be featured on the first page. So, you’re going to want to make sure your website is featured here. SEO can help you to achieve this. SEO stands for “search engine optimisation” and is quite literally the process of helping your website to feature more highly in search engine results. You can do this yourself, but the most effective means of achieving good results tends to be to use an SEO agency. This way, specialists can take the wheel and help drive the best results. There are specialists in all sorts of SEO out there. From pest control SEO to fashion SEO, fast food SEO, musician SEO and so much more. So, make sure to look through the specialisms and experience of the individual or agency you’re considering working with to make the right decision!
Focus on Social Media
Another important area to focus on nowadays is social media. Social media marketing is another form of digital marketing that is invaluable right now. Create a social media presence for your brand across all the major platforms – Instagram, Twitter and Facebook tend to be the big three. Social media is a great space to make a name for your brand. Gaining plenty of followers not only establishes you as a big name in your field, but it can provide you with free advertising at any given time, as you can showcase new goods and other information to your followers without having to pay anything at all! In terms of paid campaigns, you can also get involved with social media influencers who have a large following matching your target demographic. Paying these individuals to feature your brand or products on their feeds can boost exposure too!
Attend Trade Shows
Taking a step away from digital marketing, it may be worth heading to in-person trade shows too – whether you’re already making your way up the ladder of recognition or whether you’re just starting out. Trade shows are spaces where you can make your name with other companies in your field, getting to know what competitors are doing and potentially making good working relationships for collaborations.
Attend Exhibitions
In a similar vein to trade shows, but with a more customer-orientated approach, there are exhibitions. Here, you will be able to showcase your brand, goods and services to customers who have paid to attend. This is positive, as you know your target audience will be present and it’s a good opportunity to get your name out there!
This may seem like a whole lot of information to take in at once, but this really is only the beginning when it comes to making a name for your brand in business nowadays. Hopefully, some of the above advice will help to guide you in the right direction, helping you to secure customers, generate sales and experience success!