Do you own your own business? Are you constantly looking for ways to expand your customer base and grow your profits? If so, there’s no doubt you have employed all kinds of techniques in order to achieve these goals, but for many, marketing ends up being the most important factor. Effective marketing is essential for businesses of all sizes and all industries. It’s how you get your message out to the public, create buzz, and get your brand noticed. But simply using the word “marketing” really doesn’t tell you the whole story, as there are so many different types of marketing techniques you can use.
One that has grown in popularity over the years is SMS marketing. This is a targeted mobile device marketing technique that plenty of businesses are using, but does it actually work? Let’s take a closer look at the ways in which SMS marketing could offer your company benefits and in turn work for you and your goals.
You Can Target Your Message
One of the most obvious ways in which SMS marketing works is that it allows you to send targeted messages. It is an immediate and direct channel way to connect with customers. Now what’s even more exciting is that the read rate of these messages is typically very high, and much of this is attributed to the fact it’s a direct channel.
Think about it, if you get a text message on your phone you will check it – it doesn’t matter who it’s from and if you recognize the number, you’re going to at least glance at it. This is exactly what SMS marketing is betting on.
It’s a Way to Build Engagement with Customers
SMS marketing also gives businesses a way to build customer engagement. This is more effective if you don’t use the same message and format time and time again. You need to switch things up, keep it exciting, keep it engaging, and give customers a reason to read your message.
You Can’t Beat the Costs
Then there is the fact that the cost of SMS marketing is minimal compared to the more traditional forms of marketing. This makes it ideal for small and medium sized businesses who may be working with a much tighter budget.
There Are Tools and Software That Make it Easier
If you’re convinced that SMS marketing could help your business but you feel a bit intimidated as to where to get started, the good news is that there are tools available to you. These tools are meant to make it simple, streamlined, and fast to send effective text messages to customers.
Software solutions such as Tatango.com are really making their mark on the industry and offering up a selection of features meant to enhance how SMS marketing is used. This can result in a much better customer response, which makes SMS marketing efforts even more important.
For Many Companies It’s the Best Option
Answering the question of whether SMS marketing works really comes down to the specific business, its customer base, the industry, and what your goals are. For many SMS marketing is the best option.