Whether you are working from home or in the workplace using your breaks effectively to relax the mind can be hard to do. It can be easy to waste your breaks scrolling down social media or staring into space. With this guide we will show you some ideas to ensure that you use your breaks to make them more interesting and fun.
Watching your favourite show or series
It can be difficult when you are on longer breaks to keep yourself occupied so you can stream online content to help make the time pass by. Watching your favourite show or series is a great way of getting comfy and relaxing your mind and your muscles as often when you sit for long periods of time you tense up so relaxing them will reduce long term pain. It is very easy to set up and can be completed on a phone or computer, depending on what you are used to. If you have a comfy area on your workplace or home then this is a great way to get away from your desk so your eyes and brain can associate that space with rest to avoid it working overtime.
Workout your body
Often people think that you can do a workout at home on your breaks but a lot of people like to workout at their workplace too. It can be a great way to get your body moving and motivate yourself for the rest of the day. Try a workout out on your break for a week and you will notice that your afternoon will go a lot smoother and faster because your brain will have a boost in energy. It is also proven to reduce anxiety, depression and stress levels too. If you find that you are in the same position for nine hours a day then working out for even fifteen minutes a day will help your joints and movement of the body. Even doing a series of jumping jacks, stretches or the plank can increase your mood easily and can be completed anywhere.
Reading a book
Taking time away from the screen can be really beneficial to your eyes as the blue light which emits from the screen can affect your sleep and awareness. Taking time away to read a book is a great way to escape from your work so that you feel like you have had a break. Sometimes you can return to work and feel like you haven’t even had a break so this is a great way to restore yourself. Using a kindle can be a good option if you don’t want to carry a big book but turn it to night mode as this will be less harsh on your eyes. When you finish your book you could hold a book swap with your work so that you always have something new to read and learn.
Reading keeps your mind active so it does not fall asleep mid afternoon which ends up leading to a sluggish afternoon.