strategic agility

The Dangers of Traditional SWOT Analysis

It’s that time of year again. And, no, I’m not referring to Christmas shopping. It’s only September, for gosh sake! I’m talking about strategic planning. This is the time of year to pause for a bit longer than usual and think and about what winning will look like next year. It’s when we peer into…

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Did Cookie Monster Mislead Us?

What? Cookie Monster mislead us? That’s like questioning mom, apple pie and the 4th of July! But he did. If you don’t believe me, just watch this very short (one-minute) video clip <>. Where’s the fib? In his implication that there’s only one right answer to the question. From a very early age we’˜re taught…

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Shifting From Strategic Planning to Strategic Agility

At the end of last year, I wrote about the need to put the old strategic planning model out to pasture and embrace a new method that focuses on developing strategic agility. Here’s why this is so critical. At its core, strategic planning involves a process of analysis. You do some research into what is…

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Time for a Strategic Planning Makeover

When it comes to organizational sacred cows, strategic planning sits very close to the top of the list for most organizations. We all know the drill. Take the senior management team off-site for a weekend. Evaluate last year’s performance. Conduct the basic SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. Set some goals for the upcoming…

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What’s Your Favorite Bias (And is it Subverting Your Planning Process)?

As business leaders, we like to think of ourselves as thoughtful, rational creatures that carefully weigh all the evidence and then make logical, informed decisions. If only it were that simple. Far too often, our “rational” decision-making processes fall victim to our own preconceived notions about how the world should work, as well as a…

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Treating the Complexity Complex

In my last blog, I suggested that many business leaders are struggling to deal with the increasing complexity of today’s business world. Here are some strategies you can employ to cope with this emerging “complexity complex.” Let’s start by defining what we mean by saying the world is getting more complex. We all know the…

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