Do you struggle to get the information you need during the hiring process? Would you like to dramatically improve your chances of hiring the right person for the job every time?
If you answered yes to either question, our Behavioral Interview Question Library is for you!
Designed to help managers make better hiring decisions, the Behavioral Interview Question Library offers a treasure trove of proven interview questions that help you measure more than 60 skills, competencies, and areas of knowledge that play a critical role in matching the right candidate to the job.
With these questions, you’ll go beyond the surface of the resume to explore each candidate’s real experiences as well as underlying attitudes, motivations, and skill sets. In doing so, you’ll uncover the hard data you need to determine the ideal candidate for every job.
Our behavioral interview questions measure key skills and competencies such as:
- Adaptability
- Attention to detail
- Communication
- Conflict management
- Customer focus
- Critical thinking
- Flexibility
- Integrity
- Judgment
- Leadership
- Managing change
- Motivating others
- Organizational skills
- Problem solving
- Risk-taking
- Teamwork
- Time management
- And much more!
You’ll also learn a four-step process for planning and conducting more effective behavioral interviews.
If you struggle to create good interview questions, or just want to improve your interviewing skills, then get the guidebook that pays real dividends every time you use it: the Behavioral Interview Question Library by best-selling author Holly G. Green.
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