Modern business is inseparable from technology. Even the most traditional ‘offline’ industries need staff with digital skills, while traditionally ‘online’ industries need to be more on the ball than ever when it comes to technology. Therefore, if your business isn’t tech-savvy, you’ll find it difficult to grow and succeed in today’s climate. Here are some of my top tips to help you ensure your business has the savvy to succeed in today’s digital world.
Recruit tech-savvy staff
If your staff doesn’t have tech skills, you’ll fall flat at the first hurdle. There’s no point coming up with a tech-focused business plan if none of your staff have the skills to make it a reality. When you’re hiring new staff, make digital skills a necessity, and don’t hire someone who doesn’t have them – even if the rest of their CV is stellar. By drawing this red line, you’ll ensure that your workforce is filled with tech-savvy individuals. With staff who are already on your books, invest in training so they can get up to the same level as your new hires. This process can take time, but once your staff’s digital skills are fully up to scratch, you’ll be well on your way to digital success.
Encourage remote working
During the COVID-19 pandemic, technology kept many businesses afloat as workers were forced to stay at home. This generational event gave rise to the digital nomad; people who aren’t tethered to any one location, traveling around the world while working on their laptops. Put simply, the rise of remote working is making the business world smaller and giving companies access to talent from all over the world. By both allowing and encouraging remote working in your business, you are giving your staff a better quality of life while making the world’s best talent accessible to you.
Automate as much as possible
When done right, automation can save you unthinkable amounts of money. Done well, it frees up more and more of your employees’ time, so you can do more than ever before with the same number of staff. It can allow companies to grow exponentially without having to expand their payroll. Automation is already being utilized by some of the world’s most tech-savvy companies. Give it 10 years, and everyone will be doing it. By investing in it now, you’ll put yourself well ahead of the competition.
Make use of software
Businesses are reliant on technology to the point where doing business without any technology is unthinkable. No matter what sector you’re in, there will be specialist software that will help you do your job. For example, if you’re in the financial services sector, software such as IRESS can make a huge difference to the way you do business. There may be a significant cost involved in accessing such software, but it really can be the difference between falling behind and getting ahead. Don’t scrimp on this, you have to spend money to make money. It might be a cliche but it’s true.