Self improvement within your team of staff is an essential way to improve your business, and as their leader, it’s your job to help support and nurture them into becoming the best version of themselves. Doing this means that your business will thrive because your staff will have the right mindset and most importantly, the drive and motivation to work hard for a leader that supports them at every turn. Not sure how you can help your staff with self improvement? Check out these fantastic ways of achieving this.

Provide recognition and rewards
As an employee, there’s nothing worse than working hard all day and never receiving any recognition for all of your hard work. While that may come during an annual performance review, providing your staff with recognition and rewards on a daily or weekly basis helps improve performance and motivation. Doing this also promotes loyalty to your business, meaning your team will work harder to help you and your business achieve what you’ve set out to do.
Providing incentive for hard work is another great way of boosting productivity levels, and your incentives don’t have to be large rewards either! Something as simple as the highest number of sales gets to leave an hour early at the end of the week will help spark friendly competition and drive your staff to work as hard as possible.
Give them the chance to learn more!
Self improvement comes from learning, whether that be learning more about yourself, or learning more professionally to increase work output. Encouraging your staff to learn more by sending them to higher education, such as christian university puts both you and your employee in a quid pro quo situation. For you and your business, they will be able to learn skills to help it progress further and for themselves, they’ve got another qualification under their belt without having to lose their job. Consider higher education to help support self improvement in your staff.
Provide constructive criticism
Nobody is perfect, and constructive criticism can be extremely useful when it comes to self improvement. Approach this method delicately, as constructive criticism can be taken to heart and lead to self doubt rather than self improvement. Here are some great tips on how to deliver constructive criticism to your staff so that they can learn from their faux pas and continuously improve themselves.
Be compassionate to personal needs
Finally, while personal problems should be left at home and not brought into the workplace, sometimes this is unavoidable. When this happens, be compassionate of their needs and give them some space and time to work things out. While this might cost you a day or two of their regular hard work, being compassionate will build up loyalty and trust, meaning when your staff members are back to normal, they will work harder than ever to thank you for your compassion. After all, we’re only human!
As you can see, you can easily support your staff with self improvement at the benefit of you and your business. Try adapting your approach today with these 4 tips.